Breithorn Traverse - An Alpine Adventure


An alpine adventure: The Breithorn Traverse in Zermatt

At the end of September, my colleague and I had the chance to explore the entire Breithorn traverse in Zermatt. Although the Breithorn West Summit is known as one of the easiest 4000m peaks in the Alps, we deliberately decided to do the entire traverse - a route that promised us more variety and a little adventure. With perfect conditions and an impressive backdrop, the tour was a special experience that we will remember for a long time. ( Text & photos: Levi Luggen )

The morning – start of the day

Our day began with the first gondola from Zermatt up to the Klein Matterhorn. The autumnal mood was omnipresent, the sky was turning soft colors, and the fresh mountain air let us breathe deeply. We felt ready for what lay ahead - a mixture of challenge and enjoyment in the middle of the Alps.

Mountaineers on the approach to the Breithorn traverse


The Breithorn Plateau – A place of peace

The Breithorn plateau presented itself to us in all its vastness. Cirrus clouds drifted by, but soon the sky opened up and gave us a view of the surrounding peaks. The crossing of the plateau was calm and we headed towards the Roccia Nera - the anticipation of the upcoming climb grew with every step.

the view towards Italy from the path to the Breithorn traverse

Ascent to Roccia Nera – rock and ice

The climb to the Roccia Nera was a mixture of rock and ice passages, where we were able to witness the retreat of the ice first hand. A silent reminder of the change that cannot be stopped even here in the Alps. The view from the summit was impressive: Castor and Pollux in the distance, their majestic silhouettes clearly standing out.

only one other rope team meets us that day

Between the Breithorn twins

The next section took us over the snow ridge and rugged rocks to the Breithorn twins. It was a bit of a balancing act between snow and rock, but never too difficult - just the right amount of challenge for a leisurely tour. We mastered the abseiling sections without any problems and enjoyed the peace and quiet, as there were only a few other mountaineers around.

Andy at the second abseil from the Breithornzwilling West

With rock climbing in mind, we crossed the snow slope

The middle peak – a short climbing fun

The highlight of our tour was the short rock climb to the middle summit. After a short break, we set about overcoming the climbing sections - not too difficult, but still exciting. Once at the top, we were treated to a fantastic view of the surrounding panorama. A perfect place to pause for a moment and take in the beauty of the Alps.

Andy climbs with the Monte Rosa massif behind him

A feeling like being on top of the world

Standing on the rocky peak, aware of our exposure, was a feeling that is difficult to put into words. It was a moment of pure awe and joy that we will treasure deep in our hearts.

the last climbing point before the middle summit

Andy a few meters before the middle summit

The West Summit – The crowning conclusion

With a little time to spare, we decided to climb over the western summit. The view of the Matterhorn, towering majestically in front of us, was the perfect end to an all-round successful tour. Even though the last few meters to the station took a while, we reached our destination on time and satisfied - knowing that we had spent a wonderful day in the mountains.

Best view from the Breithorn West summit

Review – A day in the Alps

It was surprising how quiet it was on the Breithorn Traverse that day. For us, it was a tour full of impressive views, pleasant climbing passages and, above all, a lot of peace and quiet. A day that showed us once again why the Alps play such an important role for us - they give us the opportunity to switch off and experience the adventure in nature.

Lyskamm and Monte Rosa

Wonderful climbing on the Breithorn traverse